Hand holding book called Buzz

Top 5 Beekeeping Books - Beekeeping For Beginners and Experts

Whether you're a beginner beekeeper or have years of experience, learning never stops in the bee world. There is a lot of information out there on honey bees and keeping them in the form of books, videos, seminars, and classes. We started learning about bees by watching videos and reading books! In fact, we still go back to specific books for guidance and we're constantly learning new things. We know there are so many different options of beekeeping books on the market, so we've compiled a list of just FIVE books that we think are essential to learning about bees! Furthermore, these books are filled with tons of knowledge and we think they're very important for every beekeeper to have. Finally, here are our top 5 beekeeping books that beekeepers of any level will benefit from.

Top 5 Beekeeping Books

Honeybee Democracy Beekeeping Book

1. Honeybee Democracy

This is one of the first books we read about bees and it does not disappoint. "Honeybee Democracy" covers the amazing world in each colony and how they actively make decisions together. Also, this is a great book for anyone who wants to learn about swarms!

The Beekeeper's Handbook

2. The Beekeeper's Handbook

There's a reason this book is called "The Beekeeper's Handbook" because it is the best handbook you'll ever have. It covers every part of beekeeping from the anatomy of bees to managing hives to queen rearing! For that reason, we think this is the perfect book for beginners.

The Beekeeper's Bible Book

3. The Beekeeper's Bible

Another great book for beginners! "The Beekeeper's Bible" covers everything from the history of beekeeping all the way to hive management and it even features plenty of recipes for products with bee based ingredients! Therefore, this is a classic book that every beekeeper should have on their shelf.

The Practical Beekeeper Book

4. The Practical Beekeeper

"The Practical Beekeeper: Beekeeping Naturally" written by the famous Michael Bush is a great book for any beekeeper who wants to incorporate natural management practices. Bush showcases how simple it can be to go all natural and even how it can benefit the bees and the beekeeper. This is probably the best book for naturally beekeeping on the market today!

Buzz Beekeeping Book

5. Buzz

The last book of our top 5 beekeeping books is the newest! "Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees" is a newly published book written by Thor Hanson that goes over the history of bees and beekeeping and how important these insects are to humanity. This is a great book for anyone who is completely new to the bee world and even experienced beekeepers. No matter what experience you have with bees, this book will teach you something new!

Reading and learning about bees is one of the best ways to become a better beekeeper. If you don't have the time to read, why not try Audible? You can listen to audiobooks on your drive to and from work or while doing any errands. Click below to start your free trial!

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