Vegetable Garden Books

Top Gardening Books for Beginners

It's no secret that gardening is on the rise. People are starting to grow their own food and plants again for the health benefits and well because it's fun! However, gardening can be complicated for a beginner. Books are a great way to learn all about gardening. Here are the best gardening books for the beginner gardener.

Gardening Books for Beginners

The Garden Primer

The Garden Primer is a perfect book for the beginner gardener. If you have very minimal gardening experience, this is the book for you. This is a great well-rounded gardening book which focuses on organic methods.

The New Organic Grower

This book is perfect for anyone interested in organic gardening methods. It is catered to both the home gardener and small scale farmers. This is one of my favorite gardening books because it has so much information in regards to growing organic!

Gaia's Garden

Gaia's Garden is the best overall gardening book that focuses on permaculture design. It's straight forward and contains a lot of information on starting a garden from start to finish.

The Backyard Homestead

If you're interested in going full blown homestead, this is the perfect book for you. The Backyard Homestead specializes in being self-sufficient on just a quarter acre. If you don't have that much space, there's still a lot of great knowledge about building a garden and growing your own food while saving space.

Organic Methods for Gardening in Florida

If you live in Florida, gardening can be a little tricky since we do not experience a true winter. This gardening book is perfect for anyone who wants to stick with organic methods in their garden. It is filled with information on soil, vegetable varieties that grow well in Florida, and how to combat pests and disease.

Variety of Gardening Books is Best

There are so many other great gardening books available today. Figure out what you'd like to garden so you can narrow down your search for books that work well for you. For example, I love growing flowers so I purchased The Flower Farmer even though I do not own a farm yet. This book is filled with useful information even for a small gardener.

The great thing about books is that you can read and go back to them as needed. If you're interested in beekeeping, make sure to check out our post on the top 5 beekeeping books!

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